Hi, I'm Jenny.

I’m a design-thinking UX and content design leader with more than a decade of experience helping brands build strategies to connect with audiences.

I lead UX Writing at Best Buy Canada and coach aspiring writers in my spare time. Fuelled by coffee and a relentless commitment to the Oxford comma, I tend to wax lyrical on topics like blockchain, Lord Byron, and the virtues of Hufflepuffs.

My travels have taken me through dozens of countries across three continents, but I’m currently hunting for the best coffee in Vancouver.

Check out my work, and get in touch if you’d like to work together.

The Work

A selection of my UX and content design projects.

The Praise

Jenny‘s content design style is bold, thoughtful and inspiring. She takes a holistic approach to any product she is solving for. Strong in her craft and an even stronger teammate to her peers. Jenny has a solid backbone in user experience design and thrives working with cross functional teams like SEO, PMM and beyond. Any team would be lucky to have Jenny on their side, she is one of a kind.

Kristen Altomare-Ciallella
Senior Product Designer | Shopify

If I had to identify just one of Jenny's superpowers, it would be her enterprise-level approach to content strategy. Because of the caliber of her skillset, Jenny was entrusted with co-leading and collaborating on major projects, including the complete redesign of Shopify.com, a revamp to a litany of merchant-facing Shopify landing pages, and the migration of all retail pages to Shopify's proprietary headless CMS.

Jonathan McFadden
Senior Content Designer | Shopify

Think back to the last time you worked on a truly complex and maybe difficult project. The whole team was probably doing their very best, but there was that one person on the team you relied on to consistently deliver, consistently figure tough things out, and continually raise the level of everyone around them. Congratulations, you might have worked with Jenny Scribani.

Michele Knaub
Lead Technical Program Manager | Shopify

I had the pleasure of working with Jenny across multiple projects was impressed by her pragmatic approach to problem-solving and ability to consistently produce excellent results. Jenny was a highly cooperative partner to the SEO team, which speaks volumes about her versatility and adaptability. Her positive attitude and commitment to delivering the goods made her a joy to work with. She excels in the grey area of design challenges and anyone would be lucky to have her on their team.

Kyle Risley
SEO Lead | Shopify

Jenny is the kind of writer that other writers go to when they’re having trouble finding the right words. She’s creative, kind, smart, and one hell of an editor. Jenny’s diverse background gives her a unique perspective on communication and design, making her a true content gem. If you get the chance, work with Jenny. You wont regret it.

Faith Davis
Senior Content Designer | Shopify

Not only can Jenny craft a story that captures its audience, but she creates accessible content for anyone and everyone. Jenny can sit at the table with engineers, product designers, marketers, graphic designers, program managers, SEO specialists, and the lot and help create and elevate ANY piece of content. Working with Jenny meant that the program I was managing was in the best hands. If you want the confidence that users will be able to easily find and understand content - you need Jenny.

Mel Esterman
Technical Program Manager | Shopify

Jenny was a critical content designer for our team as her background experiences and wide array of knowledge has helped us land on a great story and narrative to our projects. She was able to tackle every complex problem into a smooth flowing solution for our Shopify.com redesign and other high impactful projects during her time. She always kept a positive mind with blockers within the project and was capable of navigating through each problem to reach a solution.

Kyu Kim
Senior Designer | Shopify

An excellent communicator who brings cohesion and clarity to the products and pages she works on, she is also a great collaborator. Working together, I always felt a sense of partnership in achieving our shared goal of creating the best possible experience. A consummate professional, she is a true content designer, advocating for and championing the people who would be using our products.

Tif Flowers
Senior Designer | Shopify
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Display your work in a bold & confident manner. Sometimes it’s easy for your creativity to stand out from the crowd.
